My wife brought home a huge bag of kale and my excitement was non-existent to say the least. I don't know if I'm remembering kale wrong or what but whatever it is I just can't get excited about it.
so I started thinking about what I could do with it and I wanted it to be well-paired with something delicious but also stand out on its own. I looked in the fridge and saw some sauteed onions and uncooked mushrooms both of which I thought would be great with the kale and sausage.
So here's what I did:
- I cooked the sausage and mushrooms together.
- Chopped the kale into small pieces using the food processor
- Sauteed the kale for about 10 min.
- Seasonings I used were salt, pepper, garlic, oregano and cumin.
- I mixed it all together and topped it with roasted almonds.